Adult Services
The Adult Services Program at Our Own Lives provides the following services through the Supported Living Services (SLS), Developmental Disabilities (DD), and Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) programs:
Home Based Services
Host Home (DD)
You choose a person or a family to live with that will provide you support up to 24 hours a day. The host home can provide meals, can help you clean, can help you do things like shower, bathe, get dressed, manage money, take medication, go to the doctor, and get out and go places.
Transition Services (DD, SLS)
Helps you be successful moving from more supported places to live to more independent places to live. Can help you move from a nursing facility into a host home, or a host home into your own home. Provides you additional support to help you get settled and learn new routines, can help with some costs related to moving and getting set up in your own place (like buying dishes and cookware if you don’t have them).
In Home Support Services (DD)
You own or rent your own home, and our staff stop by as needed to help you with your home and life. We can support you with the same types of things as a host home, but usually not all day every day.
SLS Home Based Services (SLS)
These can help you with the same things as the above home support services, but in the SLS program they are split into a few different services:
Personal Care: Help bathing, using the bathroom, getting dressed, managing money, taking medications, seeing the doctor, and grocery shopping.
Homemaker: Help keeping your home cleaned and organized, helping you cook and prepare food, and teaching you how to do more things around your house on your own.
Respite services: If you live with a friend or family member that supports you day to day, respite services can give that person some time off. Respite can be a few hours at a time or whole days.
Day Services
Supported Community Connection (DD, SLS)
Support for Community Access. Helps you go places you want to go and build skills to be more confident getting out and about! People use our Supported Community Connection services to volunteer, to go to community events, to visit shops, restaurants, libraries, rec centers, pretty much wherever they wish!
Specialized Habilitation (DD, SLS)
A fancy phrase that means learning! Supports you to build skills in areas of your life that you want to help you achieve your goals. Some people use this service to learn sign language, to cook meals as a group, to get better at using a computer or managing social media or dating profiles.
Mentorship (SLS)
Help to understand and make complicated and complex decisions in your life. Mentorship can support you with self-advocacy, to interview providers, to manage benefits, to complete complex paperwork, to get advice about dating and intimacy, to serve on boards of directors or other leadership positions, to make decisions about having children and parenting.
Transportation (DD, SLS, DVR)
Help getting you where you want to go! This service can help you get to day services, to work, or to other places you need to get to within your town.
Employment Supports
Job Development (DD, SLS, DVR)
Helps you locate, interview, and get that perfect job! Can help you put together a resume, find employers, navigate job interviews and meeting the employer, request accommodations, and how working may affect your benefits. Can happen individually or as a job club group where people can build each other up! We focus on customized employment, where we help you and an employer build a job that is tailored to your specific strengths and needs.
Job Coaching (DD, SLS, DVR)
Provides you support and help as needed on the job. This support can help you learn job tasks, tips and tricks to stay focused, help you resolve conflicts or performance concerns, suggest accommodations, and provide other help you need to be successful at your job
Questions about Adult Services?
Contact us to learn more.