Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: Our Own Lives is a newly established nonprofit organization that provides services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live, work, and play in Southwest Colorado. Launching on July 1, 2024, Our Own Lives affirms the disability advocacy value that “We are all experts in our own lives” and is centered on providing services that are person-driven, affirming, empowering, and inclusive of disabled people at all levels of organizational planning, leadership, and employment.

  • A: Our Own Lives is an approved provider for Home and Community Based Services for people enrolled in the Developmental Disability (DD), Supported Living Services (SLS), Children’s Extensive Support (CES) and State General Fund Supported Living Services (State SLS) Programs. Our Own Lives provides a diverse array of services, including:

    • Employment Support

    • In Home Support (support to clean, cook, shop, bathe)

    • Support to coordinate medical needs

    • Mentorship

    • Leadership and Advocacy training

    • Person directed behavioral support

    • Community access and transportation

    • Host homes for people seeking around the clock support

    • Day Services and activities in individual and group formats

    • Respite care

  • A: “We help each other, work together, and leave nobody behind!“ Our Own Lives offers a distinctly different experience than traditional disability service providers. We do not believe it is enough to provide quality services if we are not including and affirming the disability community every step of the way and in all aspects of our organization.

    Central to our values is the importance of empowering disabled people to have an active role in building up our community and our organization and making sure people have the opportunities to contribute and be valued on their terms. We apply these values at the individual level, affirming the person’s right to receive services and support without sacrificing their autonomy and control, at the group level by supporting people to plan and develop their own community events and social gatherings, at the leadership level though having an inclusive board and our elected Client Leadership Council, and at the organizational level through ensuring and increasing the representation of people with disabilities in employment, management, and executive roles within the organization.

  • A: Our expertise is supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in Southwest Colorado. We bring into the organization decades of experience providing progressive support to people with IDD and provide quality services to people at all levels of support from 24 hour care to occasional check-ins.

  • A: If you or someone you know is interested in accessing Our Own Lives services in Southwest Colorado, you should contact Community Connections, Inc., the Case Management Agency for our region. CCI case managers will support you through the application and service planning process. To receive services from Our Own Lives, you would tell your case manager you wish to choose Our Own Lives as the provider for the services you wish to receive from us.

  • A: Our Own Lives aims to empower disabled people to change our world on their terms! The organization centers the perspective and lived experiences of people with disabilities, and people with disabilities form the very backbone of organizational leadership. Our team is committed to upholding our mission and values, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, person-centered care.

  • A: There are several ways to support Our Own Lives and its mission to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities:

    • Engage with our community and build relationships you will never forget!

    • Volunteer your time and skills

    • Discuss with us how disabled people can become valued employees at your business and organization.

    • Make a donation to support our programs and services

    • Spread awareness about Our Own Lives and the importance of inclusion in our community

  • A: Visit to stay informed about Our Own Lives news, events, and other initiatives.